Today I am showing you head and toes... *giggles* Since I had to got dressed in the middle (a naked Rosie with only shoes and gorgeous hair wouldn't be very suitable for Avilion, would it?), I chose to show you some of the short dresses I got from Kouse's Sanctum a while ago. The wonderful lady Kouse has just released a beautiful updo with matching accessory, I just had to show you...
As for the shoes, Shayariel Teardrop is indeed a lady full of surprises...
As for the shoes, Shayariel Teardrop is indeed a lady full of surprises...
- Hair: Nathalie hair and hair accessory from Kouse's Sanctum
- Wings from Onigiri and Fairy Pearls
- Dresses: Faerie dress in Cherry and Blessed Reverie in Indigo from Kouse's Sanctum
- Shoes: Lollipop and Rainy Day ballerina shoes... made by my dear friend Shayariel Teardrop, and you can get them, as well as the following, in her shop in Avilion Vale, Be Shay (psss, the one with the star is a freebie!)